This family is so precious, and I had so much fun taking their family pictures out at Beneath the Oaks in Midfield, Texas. Meagan contacted me around Christmas time asking about family pictures and said she wanted to include her husband’s parents and her sister-in-law. Since she’s the venue manager at Beneath the Oaks she already knew where she wanted to take their pictures. Want to read some exciting news about Meagan?
Weddings and newborns are my specialty, but I really do love working with kids. I always want to capture genuine smiles and laughter from the kids because everyone knows they really don’t understand the point of standing still and smiling at a stranger. I love how the images turned out of Kirby’s oldest daughter and her daddy at the very end. Be sure to scroll all the way down – heart eyes everywhere!
Meagan and Kirby did a really great job planning their outfits for their session too! Their colors coordinate well but aren’t completely matching. That’s really the best thing to do. Long gone are the days of putting everyone in denim and a white t-shirt. 😉
If you’re wanting to schedule a family session with me and need help coordinating outfits feel free to reach out to me. I love helping my clients style their session from the very beginning.
the guide
Choosing outfits for your portrait session can make you feel like it's the first day of high school all over again. If you're feeling stuck, click the button below to grab my free guide fo dressing for session!